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Versa Networks Solutions
Building the future with Versa Networks.

Versa Secure SD-WAN helps transform organizations’ network infrastructure to streamline the transition to multi-cloud and SaaS without compromising security or application performance.

Versa software-defined network solutions for enterprises can achieve speed, simplicity, and user satisfaction in a complex IT world made up of distributed users, devices, branches, and applications.

Secure Access Service Edge

Versa SASE (Secure Access Service Edge) combines networking and network security and delivers this on-premises, in the cloud, or in combination depending on business and IT requirements.

WAN Edge Infrastructure Transformation

WAN edge infrastructure enables organizations to achieve network connectivity from distributed enterprise locations.

Secure SD-WAN

Versa Secure SD-WAN delivers differentiated service across enterprise, service provider, mid-market and small-medium businesses.


Organizations are thrown into a new paradigm where remote work, or oftentimes called “work-from-home”, is the standard in office culture to maintain operational and business continuity.


Versa Secure SD-WAN and Versa SASE are uniquely applicable to the individual end-to-end security, routing, cloud, SD-WAN, multi-tenancy, and analytics requirements of multiple industries.

5G Network

Versa 5G is a next generation mobile broadband innovation that promises to bring about greater operational efficiencies, enable further automation of business processes, and usher in the age of an intelligent application universe with unprecedented scalability.

Empowering Enterprise Networks: WAN and Security

The enterprise IT landscape has evolved rapidly with an increased importance of the cloud and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). Now more than ever, enterprises are looking for effective and efficient ways to accelerate their digital transformation. Versa Networks provides a diverse set of enterprise networking solutions to address WAN and branch office challenges. Versa Secure Software-Defined WAN (Secure SD-WAN) enables enterprises to increase bandwidth and cloud experience, improve flexibility and decrease the cost of their legacy WAN all with an application-driven and software-defined overlay solution.

Versa Secure SD-WAN is unique because it offers embedded next-generation firewall (NGFW) and unified threat management (UTM) services, securing application and user connectivity across the enterprise WAN, branch, and private/public clouds. Enterprises can leverage Secure SD-WAN to transform to a software-defined branch (SD-Branch) and experience the operational, financial, and security benefits of a fully software-defined services architecture.

A New Approach to Building Service Provider Network Solutions

The Managed Service Provider industry has seen an incredible amount of disruption due to NFV and SDN in how their networks can be architected and delivered to enterprise consumers. Recent trends have driven service provider customers to need increased bandwidth, security, and application driven networking to satisfy the requirements of their productivity and business applications and services.

Service providers are transitioning to NFV and SDN based solutions to capture greater service agility, improve their time-to-revenue, ensure profitability, and build a foundation for new service creation. Versa helps make this transition achievable by our diverse portfolio of Software-Defined network solutions designed for service providers to meet their enterprise customer requirements and needs.

Three Key Differentiators with Secure SD-WAN

Versa Secure SD-WAN enables enterprises to increase their bandwidth and cloud experience, improve flexibility, and decrease the cost of their legacy WAN all with an application-driven and software-defined overlay solution. With Versa, enterprises and service providers can expect:

Application performance and reliability.

Versa delivers reliable, high-bandwidth connectivity with a full-featured SD-WAN solution that gives you everything you need for top-notch application performance. In addition, Versa’s application-driven intelligence optimizes traffic steering for on-premises and cloud workloads to deliver high speed and low packet loss.

Robust security, baked right into the network.

Versa embedded security, certified by NSS and ICSA Labs, is the only cloud-native software platform that integrates next-generation firewall (NGFW) and unified threat management (UTM) services covering end-to-end software-based security functions in a single and unified software platform.

Seamless integration with your existing network.

With Versa, enterprises can now leverage the cost advantages, flexibility, scalability, and ease-of-access provided by commodity Internet links connecting to multiple clouds, without worrying about the security, performance, and reliability of mission-critical data being compromised.

Benefits of Versa Enterprise Solution

Reduce Costs

Reduce Costs

Reduce costs significantly by software-defining the branch, network, and security infrastructure and using a dynamic policy-driven model over a hybrid WAN.



Eliminate the sprawl and complexity of physical and virtual appliances with Versa's multi-service software platform that integrates networking and security.



Speed up deployment and automate operations with zero touch deployment, policy-based control and life-cycle management.